Juice Pulp Treats

Photo by JESHOOTS.com from StockSnap

I love fresh juice from oranges, greens and other fruits. Whenever I use juicer I end up with lots of pulp which is really great for your body. I tried below recipe with the pulp and it was yummy.

2 oranges peeled

5 celery sticks

1 lemon pieces with skin

Put it in juicer to make juice. When pulp comes out you can try out my recipe below for treats.

1 cup chick pea flour

Juice pulp

pinch of baking soda

Salt to taste

coconut oil

one tbl spoon of finely chopped onions

Mix all ingredients with needed water or coconut oil and make into rounds. Flatten the rounds so they cook easy. Bake it for 20 mnts in oven until crispy.

You have the healthy juice with treats to enjoy.

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