Growing Banana

Before I ever started thinking of growing banana, I heard this is one plant that can give fruit very quickly. UnLike citrus plants you don’t need to wait yrs and yrs before you get fruit. My experiment started with a small one that a friend of mine gave it to me. I have planted it on the ground and started watching grow into multiple plants. For few years didn’t see any fruits. But supposed to give fruit the first year. One day I had bought cow manure from home depot so I can use for a citrus plant. I threw the left over cow manure near the roots of banana plants and didn’t think of it much in couple of weeks I saw flower growing in one of the banana tree. I thought then may be just the timing it fruited.

Then after few months I had some home made compost from fruit peels of banana , citrus etc. This time on purpose I put near the foot of a banana plant that didnt have a banana flower. After few weeks I had seen a flower in that banana plant as well. Want more bananas ? add home made compost or cow manure to the banana tree bed. This sure will give some good results.

Tips :

  1. Wait for bananas to ripe on the tree. sometimes Tree starts to die but bananas seems green like it happened in my case. So in that case cut it off the tree and put in warm place wrapped in plastic covers. They will ripen in two days.
  2. Sometimes mother tree cant hold the weight of the banana bunch. so be prepared to have support for the tree so it doesn’t fall off.
  3. After harvesting bananas cut off that specific tree and give space for baby plants to grow next to them.
  4. It takes 4-5 months for bananas to mature. so be patient.
  5. Keep watering and add compost or cow manure to the tree bed/ home made compost with lot of banana peels.
  6. Keep them trimmed with dried leaves removed on timely basis.

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