Drinks For Gastrointestinal Issues


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I am writing this blog for individuals who had experienced any stomach or Gastrointestinal issues. Mostly these are different symptoms and natural home remedies only, These were personally tried, natural and definitely not replacements to your doctors advice and medicine when needed, but these remedies might help you if you unable to  see a doctor immediately.

1.Mint Drink: 

Mint leaves are a  great source of vitamins and minerals. Its soothing qualities make it a healthy choice for most people to cure  upset stomachs. crush these leaves into warm /cold water to sooth upset stomach.

2. Ginger Drink: 

Grate Ginger into warm water and drink before meal or as often as you can consume. This helps with digestion, gas, nausea, bloating like symptoms. Has no side effects and can only do good to your gut with bacterial infections and may temporarily relive the gastric pain.  

3. Pineapple Drink:

Pineapple juice helps  if you are  experiencing stomach pain especially right after a meal. This juice can be really good to your intestines and removing gas. 

4.Celery Drink:

Celery has many vitamins/salts that can absorb immediately and sooths and improves the inner lining functionality of digestive system due to its                         anti-inflammatory properties. Also hydrates your body immediately if you are dehydrated and not drinking enough water.  Celery mixed drink with apple greatly creates balance in your digestive system. Celery drink can be consumed throughout day to feel better with stomach burning issues

Hope you enjoyed this blog and try out next time for different symptoms mentioned in this article. Leave a comment and share if  you have other home remedies like these. 

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