Rain Barrels

Introduction: In the quest for sustainable living and environmental responsibility, installing a rain barrel is a simple yet effective step towards water conservation. I have recently completed my rain barrels project myself and pic above is one of my rain barrels. By collecting rainwater, not only do you reduce your reliance on municipal water supplies,Continue reading “Rain Barrels”

The Healing Power of Foot and Hand Oil Massages

Personal Journey: One of the most significant moments in my life occurred when I witnessed someone suffering from a high fever accompanied by shivering and chills. Despite administering medicine, the fever persisted, and the patient continued to experience discomfort. As a mere spectator without medical expertise, I observed an older lady suggesting a massage ofContinue reading “The Healing Power of Foot and Hand Oil Massages”

Citrus peel powder

Citrus fruits are a popular choice for their refreshing taste and nutritional benefits. However, did you know that the peel of these fruits also holds tremendous benefits for your health and beauty? Citrus peel powder is a versatile and natural ingredient that can be incorporated into your daily routine to reap its numerous benefits. WhatContinue reading “Citrus peel powder”

Quinoa Black bean Salad

I came up with this recipe when I was in my kitchen, thinking about what to prepare for my diabetic vegetarian friend who isn’t a big fan of plain green salads but likes something with grains and protein. Here’s the recipe : Quinoa Black Bean Salad Ingredients: Instructions: Hope you try my recipe and postContinue reading “Quinoa Black bean Salad”

Drinks For Gastrointestinal Issues

Photo by JESHOOTS.com   from StockSnap I am writing this blog for individuals who had experienced any stomach or Gastrointestinal issues. Mostly these are different symptoms and natural home remedies only, These were personally tried, natural and definitely not replacements to your doctors advice and medicine when needed, but these remedies might help you if you unableContinue reading “Drinks For Gastrointestinal Issues”